Monday, March 17, 2008



Lama tak memblog ni..very the busy many things happen since I'm not blogging especially after PRU12..haha..quite a shock result, isn't it?well..just accept will not much different for us who didn't connect with political things..hopefully all the new state government will workhard to fullfill their manifestos during PRU12 campaign. And hopefully Pak Lah will change..

Back to my beautiful life, currently my younger daughter, already 9 months and her first cutest teeth have shown up..she can lunges forward and explore all around the house by herself...and i noticed that lately she talks too much especially with her sister...although her development was quite slow, I'll never stop waiting for her to crawl and sit by herself..

My first daughter will be 4 yrs old this coming april. She also love to talk and sometime she will increase our temperature with her non-stop questions. But she is a good sister. She's the one who take care of her adik time mama solat, mandi or masak..

And Papa..he just arrived home yesterday after leaving us for a week and he will leave us again next week for a training (Nak ikut ke tak?Hmmm..still in consideration).

Mama? Mama start suffer for health and beauty..last week there was a Melilea demo in my office and when they measure my health, my body age is already 37!10 years older than my age..and my BMI has already overweight..kena buat sesuatu ni..confirm order one set and I was advised to do Melilea fasting for a week..and today I start fasting..and first time teguk Melilea tu ya Allah..tuhan je yg tau..nak termuntah!a few hours later, perut dah rasa semacam..rasa mcm mual nak muntah jer..mcam mana nak minum 4 kali sehari ni..huhu...sabar2..nak cantik punya hook or by crook kena buat jugak.Biar berbaloi dgn harga...hopefully I'll be more strong to drink it..


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wadyati said...
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